
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Bell of the Bathroom

Running a few days behind here, but I wanted to give you a quick peek at the CB2 Bell lights from this "Updates" post, that we finally got around to putting up in the art studio/guest bedroom.  One half of the room is almost complete.  All that is left is filling and painting the wood trim white + window treatments.  Oh my Lanta!

We have also been hard at work in the upstairs bathroom.  Previously I shared a planning board of everything that was in our bathroom at this very moment--

Split level bathrooms do not give you a lot of room, or light to photograph.  Without natural light, everything just looks orange and muddy. Without further adieu- this is the best I could do.

Everything has been stripped down.  No art, no decor, no nothing.  Minimal.  I have to tell you, I really don't mind it.  I actually like it.  No fuss.

A little side-by-side action:

Up next on the chopping block-- our "master" bedroom.  More to come on it's progress.  Just for giggles, here is the before we moved in shot:


Thanks for stopping by!