
Monday, May 12, 2014

Bright Lights

We're back in the saddle again!

Before we majorly neglected our blog, I mentioned that there was this crazy-awesome opportunity that came up.  I was approached to showcase my personal artwork in my very own exhibit at the Rochester Art Center!  Needless to say, life was put on hold as I attempted to create around 30 bodies of artwork in about two months.  My heart rate was certainly not normal for a month there.  When people say "panic mode," I more or less thought it was a figure of speech.  Nope.

Anyway, if you feel like checking out the exhibit, like I said it is at the Rochester Art Center (here) through June 8th.  There are some rather incredible exhibits going on at this time so I highly suggest you culture yourself, if art is something that is important to you, and see it.

Culture Me

A couple of weeks ago I went to Las Vegas for a dear friends bachelorette party.  It was divinely tame, but a once in a lifetime experience at that.  Needless to say, after being in a city filled with pretty twinkle lights and then coming home to a house that clearly needed some updated lights, we knew it was time for a little DIY action.

The first light I am going to talk about it our new ceiling fan.  Ceiling fan?  Say what?  Aren't people trying to get away from ceiling fans you ask?  Probably.  However, common sense trumps all design.  Living in a split level home, the airflow in the upstairs is close to nonexistent, so as much as I would love a pretty chandelier, it just ain't gonna happen.  It would be easy to come up with 20 different reasons why the ceiling fan had to go, but the main reason is the fan had an uncanny ability to drive people insane.  We weren't aware of our ceiling fans talent until my mom and dad came to stay with us.  My momma, bless her heart, said that she would lay awake at night, eyes wide open, singing along with the tap dancing fan.  Du dun du dun du dun. Misery.

So here we go!  Out with the old:

Dust = Neglect.  Whatevs.

Complete with track lighting!

In with the new:

We ended up getting the Ashton ceiling fan from Menards.  They were having a sale on it, plus our precious rebate coupons = under $100.00 bucks, including tax.  Hell yeah! This new little gem is modern enough for Shane, and unique enough for me.  Plus it is supposed to save on energy costs.  We will see...

The process was relatively easy.  Then again, I was the one taking the pictures while the hubs did the dirty work.  We discovered that this room did not have a ground wire, which kinda freaked us out.  For future ceiling fan/light installers, it is okay to not have a ground wire.

So long dirty garbage fan.

When it was time to actually put the fan up, there were a few very important instructions left out of the steps.  This particular fan comes with a remote control to adjust it's settings.  When placing the remote box in the ceiling fan, it was supposed to go a certain way.  If we knew this, we would have saved 20 minutes trying to figure out why the cap wasn't flush with the ceiling, and don't even get me on the wires.  Why are there so many wires?  Can't you just feel the frustration in Shane's face?  Being the wife it was my duty to leave the room so Shane could cuss up a storm.  He succeeded.  The fan was indeed a piece of shit at the time.

So frustrated.

While Shaner was working on the fan, I took photos with the dog.

After a little bitchin', the fan finally decided to give in right when Shane was about to.  Such a sexy little thing, for a ceiling fan.

Lighting project part two coming soon...

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